
Empowerment Wellness

Our Goal: Empower Your Whole-Body Wellness

“…with God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26

What is “Whole-Body Wellness”?

Being well, or well-being, is not only physical wellness, it is a whole-body wellness, in your spirit, soul, and body, and is defined by the Collins Dictionary as “a state [condition of existence] characterized by health, happiness, and prosperity.”

Every person is a 3 dimensional being, created with three parts: body, soul (mind, will, and emotions), and spirit (Gen. 2:7 & 1 Thes. 5:23). Our soul, body, and spirit are three inextricable and equally important facets of who we are. As a three-part being, whole body healing must include physical, emotional/mental, and spiritual balance and refinement.
